Wednesday, September 14, 2011

IPhone Battery Saving Tips

Cell phone batteries run out while on the trip was a bitch. So even with the iPhone that lots of multimedia features. Actually, there are some tricks that the iPhone battery can be more durable. Next to buying endless batteries on the iPhone :

1. Turn off the push notification feature

This feature will be a 'killer' biggest battery in the iPhone. For some reason, application developers typically enable this feature. However, many are not. To disable it, go to settings.

2. Turn off push email

iPhone is not as sophisticated BlackBerry push email for business. Based on experience detikINET, the iPhone battery only lasted for two hours only if the feature is enabled. Open the e-mail at certain times only. It's enough to help conserve battery life.

3. Turn off unused features

Turn off Wifi and 3G features when not in use in transit. It's enough to make batteries run out quickly. So any other application that must be set manually. Immediately turn off unused applications.    

4. Turn off background tasks

The user is not supposed to do this, but now the iPhone with iOS4 now be used in multitasking so you can easily find the applications that eat the battery a lot.

5. Adjust the screen brightness automatically

When users are in a slightly darkened room the iPhone screen will be much brighter to facilitate vision. Vice versa, when a dark screen will dim. Brightness factor is very influential to battery performance.

6. Consider the feedback game

Many games that utilize the vibration on the iPhone to simulate the feedback, of course, this will waste battery life. Just turn off the vibration feature.

7. Prepare a backup battery

Battery is not just any other batteries such as mobile phones. Lately, there are some iPhone casing which also offers an external battery in it. But the price is quite expensive. This is only an option only.

8. Sync your iPhone regularly

Although users do not install new applications, would be better to synchronize the iPhone with the latest firmware update. That said, some of the updates Apple could also increase cell phone battery.

Now that's an article from me about "Battery Saving Tips BlackBerry and the iPhone" which may be useful and helpful for you, thank you.